Unfortunately, Steel Magnolia was coming from Alabama and running late, so we had to wait a while until they arrived, and they only performed 4 songs. Luckily, my cousin happened to be in town, so she went with me and we were able to gab and nosh on snacks. After the performance everyone lined up to get their picture taken with the duo. The radio station wouldn't let you use your personal camera; they took the photo for you. Well, let me just say that their photographer is not top notch. I knew immediately that I had blinked when he snapped the picture. For some reason, my eyes have become so sensitive to light and anytime I take a photo in a dark room, I seem to blink! Instead of the photographer offering to retake the photo, he just said, "Awesome!!" Yeah, right. I knew it was going to be awful, and boy was I right! There I am with a huge smile on my face and my eyes completely closed. That photo won't be making its way anywhere, not unless someone has some mad Photo Shop skills and can open my eyes for me!
At least I had a good time and was able to snap a few photos of my own. I even filmed a short little video of part of their performance! Enjoy!
Wow, that was an up close and personal performance. How cool! Ugh, too bad the photographer didn't take a second shot.